Sunday, April 5, 2009

Professional Dough Figurine Making

Some event companies was checking if there are professional dough figurine artist in Singapore that able to produce the dough figurine doll which able to keep for a very long time but sill in a good condition because they had been come across some client’s complaint about the flour doll which ordered and given to their special guests or VIPs getting crack or having mould after few weeks later they received it, this caused their client felt very embarrassing.

I did not have any art piece that having such problem, but I do have 2 art pieces given by a local Singaporean Dough Figurine Artist May Toh’ in 2007 (Chinese Pig horoscope year, which I had been post in this blog before).

While I take out these art pieces from my cupboard, both of them were still having a good condition.

As I know, May Toh ( had learnt her Dough Figurine making skill from 2 masters from China. So I think May Toh is one of the best choices for quality dough figurine making for any of your special guests or VIP.

Another quality Singaporean Dough Figurine Artist I found is Madam Tang ( Her art pieces were also quality and able to keep for many years as well.

I did meet some professional China Dough Figurine Artist whose came from China during ‘Ang Bao River’ event and related Chinese New Year events. I think their art pieces could be another best choice but thought you need to wait until they come to Singapore during Chinese New Years period.

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