Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Charcoal Portrait Drawing For Event

Did charcoal portrait drawing for a dinner and dance in Mandarin Hotel last week.There are not much portrait artist doing live drawing for event because portrat drawing need a strong fine art base and live drawing for event really need to be done in a limited time frame.
Ivan was doing wire craft in this event.Nice door prob design.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Bangkok Trip III

Just keep eating in Bangkok ;p
Great food arranged by friend's Thailand friend Kelly at her stall.
All of us love this Spicy Salad with Mixed Meat "Yam Ruam Mit" (ยำรวมมิตร) very much!Big size prawn!Fried Fish with sea salt and the shells was real delicious as well.Some snacks: fish balls, small fried fish ans fried fish skin.This KFC rice set was very delicious, but it was super spicy for me.Nich food at Hui Khwang Terrace!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Roving Caricature Drawing for Event

Did roving caricature in a shopping center today. Talking about roving caricature drawing, it seems to be a trend nowadays.Thought many event organizers tried to make caricature drawing in a dynamic way, make this item as a lively fringe art as roving close up magician, roving balloonists, still walkers and so ford.Thought due to globalization reason and roving caricaturists was very common in oversea, it caused roving caricature drawing getting highly demand and popular in many Singapore's event as well.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bangkok Trip II

We went to Chinatown at Chakkrawat, Samphanthawong, Bangkok, that was a very interesting place.Chinese New Year is coming, you can see some Chinese decorations and some shops selling Chinese New Year deco stuffs as well.There are a Chinese temple inside the street.Some food stalls and interesting stuffs.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Bangkok Trip

Just back from Thailand, Bangkok trip yesterday, and I was really enjoy this trip because it was my really first proper tour in Bangkok with friends.We just met the "Red Shirt" people seized some main road while we on the way to our hotel. We were quite scared but it is actually a peaceful new year party gathering for them and only happeded on last Sunday 9th Jan, one only, phew..!.There are some stalls selling red shirt, photos and food as well during this big gathering, we did not ever think about we are passing between them during this holiday occasion ;pMy first time taking "Tuk Tuk" Taxi,they can drive very fast and squeeze between the gabs of 2 vehicles to keep driving to the destination, you will feel a bit dangerous if you are first time taking it, but you will found it quite interesting after a while. Thought it was safer than taking "Motorcite" which is mean Motorcycle Taxi.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Caricature at Shangri La Hotel Singapore

Did a dinner and dance at Shangri-La La Hotel Singapore. The Theme is Shanghai night, so i was trying my best to draw the guests in their Shanghai theme dress.Nice trishaw decorationReal high class stuffs ;p

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Crocodile Dish!

According Chinese food curing method, crocodile meat can help on curing the coughing, so I just bought some frozen crocodile meat and cook as my lunch and dinner as well for today.
The traditional way usually using the crocodile meat to cook the soup with Chinese herbs. But I just fried it with ginger and onion, and added with Chinese "Hua Diao" cooking wine, sesame oil, soy sauce and Teriyaki sauce.
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